Get Information of Finished Jobs (joblog)

(Last update: Jun 5, 2024)

Information of finished jobs can be shown with "joblog" command. If joblog is executed without options, job ID (Job ID), jobtype (Type), finish date and time (Finish), elpased time (Elaps), number of CPU cores (#cpus), number of GPUs (#gpus), and CPU points (Points) of the jobs in this FY will be shown. An example is shown below. (Do not type the first $.)

$ joblog
|  Job ID |     Type |           Finish |     Elaps | #cpus | #gpus | Points |
| 6174427 |    vnode | 2024-03-27 10:15 |  00:20:24 |    64 |     0 |     15 |
| 6174451 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:23 |  00:03:33 |    16 |     1 |      4 |
| 6174459 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:31 |  00:03:00 |    16 |     1 |      3 |
| 6174467 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:36 |  00:00:57 |    16 |     1 |      1 |
| 6174474 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:41 |  00:00:50 |    16 |     1 |      1 |
| 6174507 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:54 |  00:00:51 |    16 |     1 |      1 |
| 6174510 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 10:56 |  00:00:05 |    16 |     1 |      0 |
| 6174511 |    vnode | 2024-03-27 10:59 |  00:01:56 |    64 |     0 |      1 |
| 6174524 |      gpu | 2024-03-27 11:16 |  00:03:37 |    16 |     1 |      4 |

Following options are available.

-d [# of days]Show information of jobs finished within specified days.
If "-d 5" is added, information of jobs finished within 5 days will be shown. 
-f [datetime]Show information of jobs finished after the specified date and time (from).
The format of datetime is YYYY[MM[DD[hh[mm]]]].
-f 20240405 => from Apr 5, 2024
-f 202404051300 => from Apr 5, 2024 at 13:00
-t [datetime]This option should be used in combination with -f.
Show information of jobs finished before the specified date (to).
The format of datetime is YYYY[MM[DD[hh[mm]]]].
-f 20240403 -t 20240405 => finished between 2024/4/3 and 2024/4/5
-y [FY]Specify FY. If this option does not exist, current FY will be used.
(e.g. "-y 2023")
--points-detailCPU points will be shown in real value (otherwise, shown in integer values).
-o [format]Specify items to be displayed in comma-separated list.
(see below)

Available items in -o option is listed below. The default behavior corresponds to "joblog -o standard" or  "joblog -o jobid,type,finish,elaps,ncpu,ngpu,point".

  • queue: queue name
  • jobid: job ID
  • user: user ID
  • group: group ID
  • node: name of primary node
  • Nodes: list of computation nodes used
  • type: jobtype
  • start: job start date and time(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM)
  • Start: job start date and time(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
  • finish: job finish date and time(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM)
  • Finish: job finish date and time(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
  • elaps: elapsed time
  • cputime: total cpu time
  • used_memory: used memory amount
  • ncpu: reserved number of CPU cores ("ncpus" is an alias)
  • ngpu: reserved number of GPUs ("ngpus" is an alias)
  • nproc: requested number of MPI processes ("nmpi" and "nprocs" are aliases of "nproc")
  • nomp: requested number of OpenMP threads ("nsmp" is an alias)
  • peff: efficiency
  • attention: is efficient job
  • workdir: basename of working directory when the job was submitted
  • Workdir: full path of working directory when the job was submitted
  • command: job name
  • exit_status: exit status of job
  • point: CPU points used by job
  • standard: jobid,type,finish,elaps,ncpu,ngpu,point (default)
  • (empty string): alias of standard (e.g. joblog -o ",Workdir")
  • -(key name): remove specified column from the output (e.g. -jobid)
  • all: all

Some examples are available in the following. (Do not type the first $.)

Show basic information of jobs this FY

$ joblog

Show ID, start date, end date, and points of jobs finished within 10 days.

$ joblog -d 10 -o jobid,start,finish,point

Show ID, finish date, points, working directory of jobs in FY2023.

$ joblog -y 2023 -o jobid,finish,point,Workdir

Show all the information of jobs finished within two days.

$ joblog -d 2 -o all

Show standard items and working directory of jobs finished within 10 days.

$ joblog -d 10 -o standard,Workdir

The following sample do the same thing.

$ joblog -d 10 -o ,Workdir

Show standard items and working directory except job id and job type

$ joblog -o ,Workdir,-jobid,-type